The made to order prototype figures are now here and will be shipping to those who ordered them in January, here is a quick first look at them, not seen is the ticket. These should be shipping by Monday
- Kayin Kungaa Carded
- Widowmaker Carded
- Sheldon Sabre Unrobed Carded
- Holiday Hell Cardback
- Metallic and Gold
- Thermal Color Change
- Thermal Color Change Black to Red
- Thermal Color Change Blue to Clear
I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really like the last two pictures.
Ever thought about having figures that are two blends of a color?
Perhaps that would be quite expensive to make.
PVC can be done in thermal color change, we have thought about doing a wave of PVC in that as a tribute to our prototypes.
In urethane we could possibly do a multi-color figure but it would require more labor and molding then a standard figure so it would end up costing more.