MWOTR Generations update: Breakdown of a Lion

First off we would like to congratulate long time MWOTR Fan Jimmy for picking up the Alberto Corazon lion we put in the store this weekend! We should have a few more for C2E2 and another may appear on the store before then!

Now some people have asked why Alberto did not have gloves on. The Generations artwork is all based off the same design (which originally was the War Games Leo) just as the sculpt of the 5″ Lion is a modified Leo sculpt (removal of the C in the mask and the wings on the thigh).

We decided to give Alberto a look which more closely resembled the original idea of him which you can see on the current AWF Logo (the ones on most of your wrestling rings). This look of course has no gloves




However that does not mean the gloves won’t be color matched for the remaining “Generations” Lions 🙂

photo 1

photo 2

And just so you can see how incredibly awesome this piece is, here is a breakdown of the master used to make Alberto (it now has 4 more pieces since the hands were done after this pic was taken). As you can see an amazing amount of time and effort has been put into the creation of this Lion.

Joshua Edwards cannot receive enough praise for the monumental effort needed to pull off this molding, and Marty “THEGODBEAST” Hansen spent weeks detailing and smoothing the overall sculpt. In the end its just a beauty no matter which character is being shown!


Posted in News Updates | 4 Comments

4 Responses to MWOTR Generations update: Breakdown of a Lion

  1. Thistlehair says:

    WOW! That is AMAZING! I send my praises to everyone that worked on it!

  2. Michael J. Hilliard says:

    I was to busy admiring the figure to realize any of that.

    There for a minute I thought you was going to start selling build a figure.

    You know like those Marvel Mash up figures.

  3. Mr. Shokoti says:

    Alberto looks even better in person! While I like that this line usually features toys that are small (easier to find room for and reminds me of the M.U.S.C.L.E.S that I loved growing up), but I would definitely be down for the occasional 5″ toy. Such a great sculpting job!

  4. Feroz Nazir says:

    You can see that a lot of thought went into this piece.

    Simply awesome!

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