This is the first promo sheet for the upcoming debut boxed set, it shows a sense of scale between the two figures. It also reveals the logo for the pay per view.
You will notice that Ulric had a change made since the prototype, this will be addressed in upcoming days. During prototyping we find that some things work better then others.
Cool poster!
How limited will the box set be?
We have no idea how many people are interested so to protect us from the business aspect of this (so we can continue making toys) the first set will have be a run of 20-30. The time it takes to sell that and who buys it will help us determine what we should aim at.
The boxed set for each Pay Per View will be a one time only release, and will split the production between the Convention and my online store so that people who can’t attend have equal chance at buying it.
In late March-Early April we will be releasing final production shots of everything included in the boxed set as well as a new promo sheet with details on price, where and when to get it, etc.
Depending on the price I would consider buying a second set to paint.