We are beginning the preparations to take Mystical Warriors of the Ring to PowerCon!
We will have the entire 2013 lineup on display as well as free bags for kids which will contain crayons, coloring pages of some of our characters and overall information on the line itself. We may even do a create a character contest with the winner receiving a really cool “prototype” or test piece from the line.
If all goes well we should even have a full scale version of our AWF Heavyweight Championship, crafted by the talented folks at ProAm Belts! This belt will be used as the reference piece for creating the in scale belt for the figures.
Along with that we intend to bring an exclusive figure, the details on that will be announced closer to the event. It will be handled just like C2E2, we will have two stocks and the one for online will go on sale when we return but be highly limited.
Several of the artists who have worked on the line will be attending as well, so if you are coming to the Con then please stop by and there might even be some super secret 2014 sculpts to look at 😉
Hope Power-Con goes well for you and the line.
If I was to create a character it would be a hybrid.