2 new con appearances added to 2014!!
We figured we were done with our con tour but since Series 2 is on the way (hopefully before Christmas) we added two new cons we have never been to! The biggest news is we will be revealing what is in Series 2 and have some really awesome 2ups to show off for display First up is I-Con in Des Moines on 10/25. This year it is moving to a much bigger venue and we hope to showcase our current...
Takeshi Sumo
Here is the first clear at most of him, this is the actual master figure. We are not ready to reveal where he falls in the lineup but he is production ready. We are purposefully leaving him cropped because part of the fun is how he fits in with the rest of the figures. Think how Goliath fits in and this is along the same lines. Some people will probably complain because he dwarfs a character...
Stock Alert Series 1 Flesh
We have seen a surge in new fans since our con season and while I was filling recent orders I noticed our supply of Flesh is running extremely low. So if you were wanting a Flesh set of Series 1 now is the time to get it. We want fans to be able to get whatever colors they want at any time, but with our work on Series 2 and some other projects not yet revealed it will be a few months before...
Another peak
Well virtually everyone guessed the character in that last tease, so here is another sneak peak To say this figure is epic would be an understatement, as you can see Goliath is right behind him a bit for scale...
Another hint at a new figure…
We posted this on our Instagram account yesterday, TrueCast Studio is always working on new figures you have not seen. Who is this and will it be a PVC figure for Series 2 or...
ETA on reprints and digital comic update (comiXology)
We received word from the printer today that we should have our 2nd printing by September 1st, so once they come in we will add them in the store for the convention cost of $5.00 This week we will also be working with comiXology to make the first 3 issues available digitally as well as the 2nd printing of the trade paperback for those of you that like your comics on digital devices. The...
MWOTR goes international
This weekend marked the arrival of Mystical Warriors of the Ring Series 1 to the minifigure mecha of Japan! I have to give personal thanks to Marty "THEGODBEAST" Hansen and Don "Datadub" Kratzer for their behind the scenes work at setting this up. Sold during this weekends Wonder Festival and later this week beginning online, its part of a board 2014 drive to expand to international...
8-Bit Art: Takeshi Sumo
Brent Tucker of Spritemare is back with some more 8-Bit Art There is a reason to all this, multiple reasons actually but we are not quite ready for those to be shared just yet...
Evolution of a toy belt
Around C2E2 we showed you the plate for the AWF Heavyweight Championship toy belt Well fast forward a few months and the belt is almost ready, rather than sculpt a tiny belt from scratch we figured the best way was to do it in a larger scale and just use the hydroshrink process to get our mini belt. This would also let us make the same belt for "larger" figures that might happen to exist...
MWOTR heading to Japan!
First off Lee and I hope that you enjoyed Volume III if you have not read it before. We felt it brought the Ulric/Sheldon angle to a satisfying conclusion and clearly showed what side a number of the characters are on. Our world is so much larger then you have seen to date and the comics will begin to explore there, the AWF is not the only federation that exists and you will see that and more in...